Onboarding Course
capacity building and training of government officials
Local Self Government is critical to the formation of a healthy democracy. In the urban context, it is the local government that is most able to give the citizens good services. The urban local body – the municipality or the municipal corporation – is allotted a clear mandate to be the anchor institution for 18 functions. This mandate was created under the 74th amendment, and since then some major strides have been made in the establishment of institutions and structures to administer cities.
However, there are still significant differences between how different cities and states implement this mandate for decentralization. The implementation mechanisms affect everything from water supply to housing. For an urban professional, it is extremely important to understand what acts affect municipal functioning, and how to interpret their impacts. This course will build that exact knowledge. The case study centric approach of the course will articulate the evolution of urban spaces and the approaches to governing them.
After completing this course, you will be able to –
Know the various acts and rules that assign powers and responsibilities to urban local governments in India.
Interpret legislation and decode the institutional structures needed for its implementation.
Identify the features and provisions within existing legislation that have contributed to effective and decentralised governance.
Articulate the importance of decentralisation and devolution of powers as envisioned in the constitution.
Advocate for local self-governments and work closely with your municipality.