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Understanding SBM 2.0
Decoding the implications for Solid Waste Management,
FSSM and Sanitation Workers' Safety


Urban India generates around 1.4 lakh tonnes of solid waste and 72,368 million litres of wastewater everyday. Have you ever wondered where all this waste goes? What is the government doing to deal with it? Why are some cities clean while others cities fail to manage their waste? Who is responsible for it? How much does this all cost?

This course will give you an overview of the recently launched Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 and the actions required from local governments to implement the mission. This session will enhance your understanding of SBM 2.0, and the practice of solid waste and wastewater management in India.


Understand objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0.

Understand new components introduced in the mission.

Understand steps to be taken by the ULBs to implement objectives of the mission.

Understand funding pattern of the National, State and Local governments.


Date: 18 December 2021

Time: 3pm - 5pm

New dates to be announced soon


Free Registration!


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Arvind Singh is the Program Head- Water and Sanitation at Urban Management Centre. 

He is providing handholding support to SBMU-Gujarat cell for implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission’s set objectives. 

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Jay Shah is the Program Manager at Urban Management Centre. Jay has provided technical support to the Government of Gujarat for implementing objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission - Urban across all the ULBs of Gujarat. 

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